Monday, March 3, 2008


"Oh he's great but..."

I don't know how many times I've heard my girlfriends say this one very sentence. Hearing it now makes me roll my eyes and sigh. What is it about girls that makes us want to find something to complain about unnecessarily when, really, there isn't a problem?

We spend days, months, and years looking for that special someone. When we find them, we're happy because it's a new relationship and it's "puppy love". However, something changes.

All of a sudden, the cute way they scratch themselves when they wake up isn't cute. Or the way they talk to us on the phone makes us want to punch them. So, instead of talking to them about it, what do we do? We try to change them into what we want them to be. Why? Didn't every after-school special we watched growing up preach that we should be ourselves and not pretend to be something we're not? Yet, many people judge them for those same reasons.

Instead of complaining about the problems that you think your man has and thinking your significant other should be perfect, take a lesson from Aretha and show a little respect for one another's quirky habits. Not only will the guy be happy, but so will you.

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